Archived News
Saturday 16 December 2023 Welcome to our new website We hope that you find it easy to use and full of the information you require, whether you are a current or prospective parent or a member of the wider community.
Friday 15 December 2023 CEO Blog - 15.12.23 Apologies for the radio silence but the pre Christmas rush got the better of me! I have managed to attend all governors meetings. It has been really good to get a true overview and engage with governors on a personal level and to also look in a bit more detail at the strategies for each school.
Saturday 2 December 2023 CEO Blog - Destinations Champions CEO Blog - Destinations Champions I can't quite believe that we've made it to December already, but here we are, and the countdown to Christmas is well and truly underway! This week, I would like to point you all in the direction of our newest New Bridge...
Friday 24 November 2023 CEO Blog - 24.11.23 CEO Blog - 24.11.23 Happy Friday, everyone. I'm keeping it brief this week, but I wanted to give you an update on what's been going on behind the scenes at New Bridge... I met with the Directors at New Bridge Horizons, talking about the exciting partnerships we build...
Friday 17 November 2023 CEO Blog - 17.11.23 CEO Blog - 17.11.23 This week has been another busy week for all of us at New Bridge, and I'm proud of our staff teams for pulling together and continuing to offer our students and young people the very best, even when it's already dark by the time most of them are...
Friday 10 November 2023 CEO Blog - 10.11.23 CEO Blog - 10.11.23 This week, it has been good to see each of our sites commemorating Remembrance Day in their own way. The creativity and thought that our staff have put into these 'Remembrance' themed activities is brilliant, and testament to their ingenuity. It...
Friday 3 November 2023 CEO Blog (3.11.23) - Welcome Back CEO Blog (3.11.23) - Welcome Back To everyone who has just had half term, I want to say, 'welcome back', and that I hope you had the opportunity to spend some quality time with friends and family over the break. This first term is usually the toughest, and the October...
Friday 20 October 2023 Happy Half Term! Happy Half Term! As the first half term of the academic year comes to a close, I wanted to take this opportunity to wish everyone associated with New Bridge all the best for a week's rest. The Autumn term is always full of challenges, with adjusting to new faces and...
Friday 13 October 2023 CEO Blog - Nearly there…. CEO Blog - Nearly there.... Happy Friday! We're nearly at the end of the first half term, and into a well deserved break for all our children, young people and staff teams. I am sure it's been just as rewarding a half term, as it has been tiring, but sometimes...
Friday 6 October 2023 CEO Blog - Week 5 CEO Blog - Week 5 We have reached the end of week 5! (Time flies when you’re having fun...) This week has been another exciting week for me personally, as we're now starting to get into the finer details of the job, having visited all of our wonderful sites....