New Bridge MAT

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CEO Blog - 13.12.24

Hi everyone,


The joy of my job is that I get to be involved with the strategic developments of the trust, whilst still being able to be involved in the day to day events, with the children. 


The last couple of weeks have been a fascinating example of this.


Strategic discussions with heads of site and exec teams show me that the work in our trust is helping to shape policy at all levels, including informing national developments. 


We continue to push the boundaries with developments on workforce reform e.g. ensuring that the New Bridge Group is an employer of choice, looking for creative solutions to support all of our children, young people and adults as they move towards their ‘meaningful futures’.


We had a wonderful example of coproduction last week, with the formal opening of Hawthorns school new build. 


This was a joyous time with friends old and new ,including LA and DfE colleagues, and, most importantly, the children performing and telling us about their new school and the families' positive feedback about the transition.


As we move towards Christmas, I am acutely aware of the impact of the pace at which we all work and how the dark mornings and evenings don’t help. 


Having had the privilege of going to some performances, including the wonderful Hollinwood Nativity ‘Wonky Tonky Donkey’ and Samuel Laycock’s ‘Annie Jr’, it never ceases to amaze me how our staff find the energy to make this time so special and create the kind of experiences that will stay with children and their families forever.


The faces of some of the parents says it all.


I want to send out a massive thank you to all staff, including those behind the scenes, for making the magic happen.


Have a lovely weekend

